Debra H. Goldstein Normally, I begin short stories with a clever line of dialogue or a dead body. My goal…
Continue reading →The First Two Pages
“Baby Killer” in Day of the Dark
Margaret S. Hamilton I love eclipses and meteor showers. A few years ago, we watched the Transit of Venus through…
Continue reading →Two Men Named Charles
KB Inglee If you are writing a short story, your first two pages are a significant percentage of the whole.…
Continue reading →Unmasking the Monster: The First Two Pages of “The Devil’s Standtable”
Melissa H. Blaine (The First Two Pages is devoting August to celebrating the release of Day of the Dark, a…
Continue reading →Going Against the Grain
Nupur Tustin As a writer, I take very seriously Horace’s advice to begin a story in media res. If this…
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