G.B Pool
“I couldn’t believe they found Brad’s body. I thought I buried him deeper.
But eight years is a long time and a girl can forget little things like that. You know, stuff like: Where’d I park the car? Where’d I leave my shoes? Where’d I bury my boyfriend?
I knew where I buried him, just not how deep. Deeper’s better. Trust me. Anyway, the first time you kill somebody is always trial and error.
By the second one, I had improved my technique.
And number three was… sheer perfection.”
Thanks for contributing this post, Gayle! I enjoyed both your insights and your opening pages.
Thanks so much, Bonnie. Your blog brings a lot of writers to a lot of readers. And what better way than to show how the story opens. Great concept.
An excellent beginning. I think starting in medias res is best. It provokes curiosity. Supposedly we only have 8 seconds to grab the reader’s attention.