Skeletons in the Attic

Judy Penz Sheluk

I’d been sitting in the reception area of Hampton & Associates for the better part of an hour when Leith Hampton finally charged in through the main door, his face flushed, a faint scent of sandalwood cologne wafting into the room. He held an overstuffed black briefcase in each hand and muttered an apology about a tough morning in court before barking out a flurry of instructions to a harried-looking associate. A tail-wagging goldendoodle appeared out of nowhere, and I realized the dog had been sleeping under the receptionist’s desk.

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7 thoughts on “Skeletons in the Attic

  1. Judy Sheluk

    Thank you Jacqueline!, I so appreciate your support. And Joanne, you know I am such a fan of yours, so your encouragement is all the more special.

  2. Kate Collier

    You not only created suspense in your first two pages, you drew me quickly into your blog post! I couldn’t wait to click “Read more …” Your explanation of the inspiration for the book’s opening speaks to the always-on mind of the mystery author. I enjoyed this! –kate, writing as C. T. Collier

  3. Linda Thorne

    You hooked me quickly. I loved finding out how you came up with the idea. This was a fairly short post too. You got to the point right away and I “got it.” Thank you.

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